- Austrian Institute of Technology [Vienna]
- Brno University of Technology [Brno]
- CESNET [Prague]
- Cardiff University
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Czech Academy of Sciences [Prague]
- Czech Technical University in Prague
- Darmstadt University of Technology [Darmstadt]
- Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering [London]
- Department of Informatics [Zurich]
- Department of Networks, Systems and Services
- Faculty of Information Technology [Prague]
- Iminds [Ghent]
- Inria Nancy - Grand Est
- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
- Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics
- Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
- Management of dynamic networks and services
- Queen's University [Belfast]
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia [Bogotà]
- Universidad de Antioquia = University of Antioquia [Medellín, Colombia]
- Universiteit Antwerpen = University of Antwerpen [Antwerpen]
- Universiteit Gent = Ghent University
- University College of London [London]
- University of Surrey
- University of Twente
- Universität Zürich [Zürich] = University of Zurich
- Universität der Bundeswehr München [Neubiberg]
- Université Catholique de Louvain = Catholic University of Louvain
- Université de Lorraine
- Université du Luxembourg = University of Luxembourg = Universität Luxemburg