- "MATI"
- M.A. Kharafi & Sons
- M.I.T. and Global Project Design
- MA3Solutions BV
- MACOM Technology Solutions SAS
- MEF University [Istanbul]
- MELAB, Swedish Business School at Örebro University
- MET Communications GmbH
- MEthodes et ingénierie des Langues, des Ontologies et du DIscours
- MIMOS Technology Solutions
- MINC – Ministry of Culture
- MIT Academy of Engineering [Pune]
- MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- MIT Mobile Experience Lab [Cambridge]
- MIT media Lab
- MODEles et MEthodes de conception des systèmes d'information avancés
- MS-Innov
- MSIS Department
- MSIS Department and CIMIC
- MTA SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence
- MTA-BME Research Group of Technical Analytical Chemistry
- MZ & Partners Architectural and Engineering Consultancy
- Maastricht University [Maastricht]
- MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
- Macha Works
- Machine Intelligence Research Institute
- Machine Learning and Computational Biology
- Machinery and Electricity Engineering College
- Mackenzie Presbyterian University [São Paulo]
- Macquarie University
- Macquarie University [Sydney]
- Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
- Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute [Funchal]
- Madrid R&D Center
- Mads Clausen Institute for Product Innovation
- Madurai Kamaraj University
- Maggioli
- Maharishi Dayanand University [Rohtak]
- Mahidol University [Bangkok]
- Mahindra Ecole Centrale [Hyderabad]
- Mahindra Satyam
- MaibornWolff
- Makerere University [Kampala, Ouganda]
- Malaviya National Institute of Technology [Jaipur]
- Malmö Högskola = Malmö University
- Man-Machine Interaction Group
- Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research [Lincoln]
- Management Center of Agricultural Mechanization in JiLin Province [Changchun]
- Management Development Institute
- Management Development Institute Gurgaon
- Management and Leadership University of Technology
- Management and Science University [Shah Alam]
- Management des Risques Industriels
- Management of dynamic networks and services
- Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
- Managerial and Mechanical Engineering
- Manav Rachna College of Engineering India
- Manchester Business School
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
- Manhattan College
- Manipal Global Education Services
- Manipal Institute of Technology
- Manipal University
- Mankosi AA
- Mansoura University [Egypt]
- Manufacturing Convergence R&D Department
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering Centre
- Manufacturing Metrology Team
- Manufacturing Research Division [Faculty of Engineering - Nottingham]
- Manufacturing System Integration (MSI) Research Institute, Wolfson School
- Manufacturing engineering laboratory of Tlemcen
- Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
- Marie Curie-Sklodowska University
- Marine Institute [Oranmore]
- Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
- Maritime University of Szczecin
- Marmara University [Kadıköy - İstanbul]
- Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Wittenberg
- Marvell Asia Pte Ltd [Singapore]
- Masachusettus Institute of Techonology
- Masaryk University [Brno]
- Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
- Massachusetts General Hospital [Boston]
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Master Italy S.r.l.
- Matej Bel University
- Mathema Srl
- Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Mathematics Department
- Mathematics and Computer Science Division [ANL]
- Mathematisches Institut der Universität Paderborn
- Mathématiques & Sécurité de l'information
- Mathématiques - Analyse, Probabilités, Modélisation - Orléans
- Mathématiques Appliquées aux Systèmes - EA 4037
- Mathématiques et Informatique pour la Complexité et les Systèmes
- Mathématiques, Image et Applications - EA 3165
- Matériaux et Nanosciences Grand-Est
- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology - West Bengal University of Technology
- Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
- Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
- Max Planck Institute for Informatics [Saarbrücken]
- Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
- Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
- Maximatecc [Västerås]
- Maxiom AB
- Mayo Clinic
- Mbarara University of Science and Technology [Mbarara]
- McAfee [Cordoba]
- McGill University = Université McGill [Montréal, Canada]
- McMaster University [Hamilton, Ontario]
- Measuring networks for enhancing USer Experience
- Mebag, Planungs- und Bauträger Aktiengesellschaft
- Mechanical Engineering [Lappeenranta]
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College [Hohhot]
- Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Group
- Mechatronics & Software
- Mecânica Industrial de Coimbra [Taveiro]
- Med V University
- Media Effects Research Laboratory
- Media Effects Research Laboratory, College of Communications
- Media Informatics Group
- Media Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction Groups [Munich]
- Media Interaction Lab
- Media Interaction Lab [Hagenberg]
- Media Technology MSc
- Medical College School of Medicine Information [Xuzhou]
- Medical Consultant
- Medical Informatics Division
- Medical Informatics Laboratory
- Medical School Hamburg
- Medical Technology Department
- Medical University of Białystok
- Medical University of Graz = Medizinische Universität Graz
- Medical University of Sofia
- Medical University of South Carolina [Charleston]
- Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing
- Mediprospects
- Medizinische Universität Wien = Medical University of Vienna
- Megatrend University [Belgrade]
- Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology [Kolkata]
- Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
- Meiji Gakuin University
- Meiji University
- Meiji University [Tokyo]
- Meijo University
- Melbourne Graduate School of Education [Melbourne]
- Melbourne School of Engineering [Melbourne]
- Mellanox Technologies [Yokneam]
- Mendel University in Brno
- Menlo College
- Menofia University
- Mensch-Technik-Organisation-Planung GmbH
- Mentor Graphics
- Meraka Institute
- Mercedes-Benz AG
- Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India
- Mercer Australia [Melbourne]
- Mercer University
- Merteens Institute
- Mestrado em Informática Aplicada
- Metalinkage
- Metalogonde – Indústria Metalomecânica, Lda.
- Meteorological Administration of Dalian
- Meteorological Bureau [Gaoyi County]
- Methode Electronics Inc
- Methode Electronics Middle East, S.A.L.
- Methodist University of Piracicaba = Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
- Methods and tools for gestural interactions
- Metropolitan Police Service
- Metso Mineral
- Metso Mining and Construction
- Mexican Institute of Petroleum
- Miami University [Ohio]
- Michigan State University System
- Michigan State University [East Lansing]
- Michigan Technological University
- Micro Plus - Apostolov Ltd.
- Micro et Nanomédecines Biomimétiques
- Microelectronic Engineeering Group
- Microelectronics Circuits Centre Ireland's [Cork]
- Microelectronics Engineering Group
- Microsoft Corporation [Redmond, Wash.]
- Microsoft Corporation [Redmond]
- Microsoft India Development Centre
- Microsoft Italia [Segrate]
- Microsoft Research
- Microsoft Research Asia
- Microsoft Research India
- Microsoft Research India [Bangalore]
- Microsoft Research Laboratory Cambridge
- Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
- Microsoft Research [Cambridge]
- Microsoft Research [Redmond]
- Microsoft Studios
- Microsoft s.r.o [Prague]
- Microwave Tube Research and Development Centre [Bangalore]
- Mid Sweden University
- Middle East Technical University [Ankara]
- Middlesex University
- Middlesex University [London]
- Middleware efficiently scalable
- Midlands State University
- Mie University
- Miele & Cie. KG
- Migoli [Stockholm]
- Miguel Torga Institute [Coimbra]
- Military Communication Institute [Zegrze]
- Military University of Technology
- Millersville University
- Milpark Business School Johannesburg South Africa
- Mindtree
- Mine Master Sp. z o.o.
- Mines Nantes
- Mines Paris - PSL (École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris)
- Minia University
- Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Gesundheit Schleswig-Holstein
- Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca
- Ministery of Science and Technology
- Ministry Agriculture, P.R. China
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos
- Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Defence (UK)
- Ministry of Defense [The Hague]
- Ministry of Economics and Communication [Suur-Ameerika]
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Education & Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang
- Ministry of Education [Israël]
- Ministry of Education [Singapore]
- Ministry of Education and Skills Development
- Ministry of Education and Training [Hanoi]
- Ministry of Education of China
- Ministry of Education, China Agricultural University
- Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology [New Delhi]
- Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Health (Vietnam)
- Ministry of Health [Brasília, Brazil]
- Ministry of Health [Dar es Salaam]
- Ministry of Health [Jakarta]
- Ministry of Health [Koweït]
- Ministry of Health [Mozambique]
- Ministry of Health and Child Care [Harare]
- Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [Beijing]
- Ministry of Information Technology [New Delhi]
- Ministry of Information and Communications
- Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ictQATAR)
- Ministry of Justice [The Hague]
- Ministry of Land and Resources
- Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
- Ministry of Public Administration
- Ministry of Public Security
- Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
- Ministry of Transparency and Comptroller General
- Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China
- Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
- Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection
- Ministère de l'Economie [Luxembourg]
- Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
- Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique [Algérie]
- Ministère de la Défense Nationale [Algérie]
- Ministère des armées
- Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
- Ministério da Saúde [Brasília, Brazil]
- Minsk Institute of Management
- Minzu University of China
- MirandaNet Fellowship [London]
- Mississippi State University [Mississippi]
- Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
- Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
- Mixed Reality Lab
- Mixed Reality Laboratory (MRL), Department of Computer Science
- Mixed Reality Laboratory [Nottingham]
- Mixed Reality Laboratory, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Miyagi University
- Mobile Business and Multilateral Security
- Mobile Life, Interactive Institute
- Mobile Multimedia Laboratory [Athens]
- Mobile Network Performance Group
- Modeling Technologies for Software Production, Operation, and Evolution
- Modeling and Exploitation of Interaction and Concurrency
- Modeling and Verification of Distributed Algorithms and Systems
- Modelling and Inference of Complex and Structured Stochastic Systems
- Models for the performance analysis and the control of networks
- Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration Research Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education
- Moderniseringsstyrelsen [Copenhagen]
- Modl.ai
- Modulight Inc.
- Modèles Discrets pour les Systèmes Complexes
- Modèles de calcul, Complexité, Combinatoire
- Modèles et Outils en ingénierie des Connaissances pour l'Apprentissage Humain
- Modélisation et Vérification
- Modélisation et d'Implémentation des Systèmes Complexes [Constantine]
- Modélisation mathématique, calcul scientifique
- Modélisation, Information et Systèmes - UR UPJV 4290
- Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University - Université Mohamed-Chérif Messaadia [Souk Ahras]
- Mohammadia School of Engineering
- Mokpo University
- Mokwon University
- Molde University College
- Molecular Imaging Research Center [Fontenay-aux-Roses]
- Mona GeoInformatics Institute
- Mona School of Business and Management [Kingston]
- Monash College [Melbourne]
- Monash University [Clayton]
- Monash University [Malaysia]
- Monash University [Melbourne]
- Mondragon University
- Mongolian University of Science and Technology
- Monitor Coatings Ltd
- Monnier Innovation Management
- Montana State University
- Montanuniversität Leoben
- Montclair State University [USA]
- Montimage (EURL) [Paris]
- Montimage [Paris]
- Montpellier Research in Management
- Moonraft Innovation Labs
- Morfeo Qualipso Competence Centre
- Morgan State University
- Morpho
- Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University
- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology [Moscow]
- Moscow State Aviation Technological University
- Moscow State Technological University
- Moscow State University
- Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
- Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
- Motivian [Sofia]
- Mount Saint Mary College
- MuElec
- Mudlark
- Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya
- Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
- Multidisciplinary Software Systems Research Corporation
- Multimedia Communications Lab [Darmstadt]
- Multimedia Information Systems Research Group [Vienna]
- Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab, Department of Computer Sciences
- Multimedia content-based indexing
- Multimedia, InfoRmation systems and Advanced Computing Laboratory
- Multimodal Perception and Sociable Interaction
- Munich Aerospace [Taufkirchen]
- Munich Network Management Team
- Munich Re
- Municipal Faculty "Professor Franco Montoro"
- Murdoch University [Perth]
- Muroran Institute of Technology
- Murphy Warehouse Company [Minneapolis]
- Musashi University
- Musashino Gakuin University [Sayama]
- Musashino University [Tokyo]
- Museo degli Strumenti per il Calcolo
- Museum Victoria [Melbourne]
- Museum of Science and Industry [Manchester]
- Music Academy "Studio Musica" [Trévise]
- Music Department
- Musée de la nature [Sion]
- Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
- Mutah University [Jordanie]
- Muthoot Institute of Technology & Science
- MyM Mecanizados y Montajes Aeronáuticos S.A.
- Myongji University
- Mzumbe University
- Mälardalen University
- Mälardalens University - Mälardalens Högskola, Sweden and Reykjavik University,
- Méthodes d'Analyse Stochastique des Codes et Traitements Numériques
- Méthodes et modèles pour les réseaux
- Méthodes et outils pour l'Interaction à gestes
- Métis Lab EM Normandie
- Môle Armoricain de Recherche sur la SOciété de l'information et des usages d'INternet
- Møreforsking AS [Molde]
- Møreforsking Molde AS and Molde University College
- Møreforsking Ålesund [Ålesund]
- m2 hycon
- mPower Social
- mSE North America
- ma ma Interactive System Design
- mechanical engineering department LAETA IDMEC Institut Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- ministerio de ciencia e innovacion
- ministry of education
- mulliner.org
- mySociety [London]
- “Mobile Health” Ministry of Education-China Mobile Joint Laboratory