The CARS workshop is complementary to the main track of SAFECOMP 2013 as it focuses on dependability issues in automotive embedded systems. This workshop is aimed at exploring the challenges and innovative solutions regarding the development and the architecture of such systems that have strong security safety and security requirements.


This second instance of the CARS workshop is attached this year to a major event in the areas of safety, security and reliability of critical computer applications.


This year, we accepted 9 papers on four topics: system safety, security and networking, architecture and assessment. Many papers report on joint work between academic and industrial partners.


We would like to thank Jean-Paul Blanquart (ASTRIUM Satellites) for his keynote talk on Development assurance of safety critical industrial systems : a cross-domain cross-standard perspective. This analysis is extracted from a working group of French experts from several domains including automotive, industrial automation, aviation, nuclear, railway and space.


We would like to warmly thank the PC members who evaluated the papers and selected the presentations.


Last but not least, we thank the LAAS team who did a great job in the organization of this event.



The CARS workshop organizers


Jean-Charles Fabre, Philippe Quéré, Mario Trapp