Conference Papers Year : 2011

Towards a CMMI-Compliant Goal-Oriented Software Process through Model-Driven Development


The i* framework is a Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering (GORE) approach that is widely applied at academic level. However, its application to industrial scenarios is limited. For the application of i* in concrete software development process, an alternative is to transform the defined requirements models into initial input models to be used by Model-Driven Development (MDD) approaches. However, this does not assure that the resultant development process will be sound enough to motivate real development companies to adopt this GORE solution. To tackle this issue, we propose the alignment of GORE and MDD solutions with software process maturity models, which are strongly adopted and applied by industry. In particular, we have considered an approach that integrates the i* framework into an industrially-applied MDD solution to obtain a development process (that goes from requirements to the final software code), which is compliant with the CMMI-DEV maturity model.
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hal-01572400 , version 1 (07-08-2017)




Alexandre Vasconcelos, Giovanni Giachetti, Beatriz Marín, Oscar Pastor. Towards a CMMI-Compliant Goal-Oriented Software Process through Model-Driven Development. 4th Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM), Nov 2011, Oslo, Norway. pp.253-267, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-24849-8_19⟩. ⟨hal-01572400⟩
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