The Use of Semantic Networks for the Categorization of Prosumers: Expanded Version
Business continuity is possible through maintaining market position, while growth requires gaining competitive advantage. This can only be achieved through systematic attention to the consumer and the development of the product offering. These factors primarily determine the success of an organization. Against this backdrop, the trend towards personalization of goods delivered to consumers is becoming increasingly evident. The answer to these business problems is the creation of buyerseller relationships in which the consumer becomes a prosumer: a consumer who provides opinions, suggests solutions, tests and evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Therefore, the search for methods and tools that allow for the identification of groups of consumers susceptible to cooperation with the organization - to varying degrees - becomes a very important scientific and business problem. This is why the authors of this article defined the aim of the article as the analysis of the possibility of using semantic networks for the categorization of consumers and defining the category of prosumers. The results presented in the article were obtained through the application of triangulation of research methods, such as analytical literature review, computer simulation conducted using Protégé software, and research experiment consisting of simulation of selected problem situations. This paper is an expanded version of an article published as part of the ECAI 2023 conference proceedings.