From Digitization to Digital Collaborative Service Designs: A Systematic Literature Review on the Categories, Concepts and Constructs of Industry 5.0
In the last decade, business and industry put major emphasis on the digitization of its infrastructures, resources, processes and business models. In doing so, managers and organizational decision makers experienced support and guidance from the so-called Industry 4.0 paradigm. At the beginning of the year 2021, the European Commission launched the Industry 5.0 paradigm, an approach, that in comparison to Industry 4.0, puts human-centricity, sustainability, and resilience at the heart of the ongoing digital transition. However, the concept of Industry 5.0 still remains vague. This systematic literature review at hand builds upon this lack of knowledge and inductively investigates into the categories, concepts, and constructs of Industry 5.0. By the use of the Grounded Theory Methodology, a representative sample size of scholarly papers has been analyzed and coded. This process resulted in the emergence of the five categories Governance, Humanness, Technology, Intelligence & proficiency, and Environment. These categories as well as its related concepts and constructs are recognized as the main fields of action in Industry 5.0.
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