The Role of Digital Platforms in Managing Institutional Logics: Case from DHIS2 in Ethiopia
Digital platforms are vehicles to transform socio-economic activities leading to growth, innovation, interconnectedness and collaboration. Such platforms are keenly needed in low resource setting countries where developmental agenda is at the forefront of institutions. Often, such platforms originate in the global north and travel to south facing heterogeneous contexts and institutional logics which at times are conflicting. As a result, literature advises for context aware and homegrown solutions to fit into local realities. However, this paper documents how homegrown solutions also face conflicting institutional logics and their inability to adapt leads to failures. Emphasizing on global digital platforms, the paper investigates how they navigate conflicting institutional logics and realize their developmental potential. The paper argues digital platform’s inherent constraint and affordance plays a central role in inscribing and accommodating multiple institutional logics. The paper is based on a case study of DHIS2 used as health management information system in Ethiopia.
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