Analysis of Tools Used for Implementation of a Knowledge Base Based on an Ontology for a Service Robot in a Kitchen Environment
The work presents the process of systematic invention in relation to the design of a robot companion component. The component is responsible for knowledge management in the kitchen environment and its automatic use. Based on the TRIZ method, in particular the Contradiction Business Matrix 3.0, the Inventive Principles are listed. Then, an analysis is carried out regarding potential tools for the implementation of inventive principles. The results of the analysis carried out on the KnowRob and Armor tools in terms of: documentation quality, difficulty of installation, usability and performance. The analysis was carried out to determine the superior tool in knowledge processing for robots. KnowRob is a popular tool in this area. Armor is a young and interesting tool with a potential to become widely used. These kinds of tools need to respond quickly and guarantee reliability. For this purpose, installations and configurations of both environments were performed and documented. Then, a set of queries in Prolog and SPARQL were prepared and tested. The ontology used in testing is based on Web Ontology Language (OWL). Our findings indicate that KnowRob is the superior tool in the tested areas.
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