Greening and Smarting IT - Case of Digital Transformation
The recent concern about the Planet condition and climate change does not include in the debates the pollution induced by technology and innovation. Green Deal and Deep-Tech Digital Transformation (DT) are among the strategic topics of the European Union program Horizon Europe. They cover various fields that are not fully represented in the calls for proposals. Digital transformation offers a great opportunity for disruptive innovation, but consideration of the environmental aspects in the whole process may help better controlling the environmental impact. Eco-innovation actions focus mainly on smart transportation, smart use of energy and water and waste recycling but do not consider the necessary evolution of behaviors. While technology produces twofold effectbenefits and waste, the capacity of available technology and in particular Artificial Intelligence for related complex problems solving is underexplored. The objective of this research is to provide the AI-based methodology for Smart and Green Digital Transformation. This paper explains how the knowledge-based AI and connectionist approaches and techniques combined with adequate thinking may innovate the way of managing DT in industry, administration and in other contexts and improve the effectiveness of efforts in sustaining the Planet.
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