The Thing About the Internet of Things: Scoping the Social Science Discourse in IoT Research
Internet of Things (IoT) is predicted to change not only industry, businesses and commerce, but also our everyday lives. Social science research surrounding IoT is important and necessary because of this predicted change. In this ‘scoping study’ keyword-clusters are being used to identify key-concepts within the social science subject area, giving an overview of the scopes within said concepts, and where social science stands to benefit from further research. The result is the thematization of 25 keywords, spread within 5 clusters; Organization, Logistics, Infrastructure, Technology and Protection. This paper argues that more research is needed in human-centric aspects, and that in doing this - a potential sixth theme regarding ethics can emerge where the subject field of social science can stand to generate a larger impact on IoT research.
Computer Science [cs]Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |