Conference Papers Year : 2010

Surveillance and Privacy


Recent social and technical developments are expanding surveillance by the government and private sector and intensifying privacy concerns, resulting in a surveillance-privacy dilemma. Governments establish surveillance schemes to fight terrorism and crime. Private organizations use profiling and data mining techniques to target marketing endeavors, to analyze customer behavior and monitor the work practices of employees. Social networks bring to the fore new means for the surveillance of individuals, publishing intimate details about themselves. Individuals are usually unaware of the constant data collection and processing in their surroundings. They are effectively losing control over their personal spheres. The aim of the conference track "Surveillance and Privacy" is to discuss and analyze, from multi-disciplinary perspectives, the privacy risks of surveillance for individuals and society, as well as solutions for protecting an individual's right to informational self-determination.
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Yola Georgiadou, Simone Fischer-Hübner. Surveillance and Privacy. 9th IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers (HCC) / 1st IFIP TC11 International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIP) / Held as Part of World Computer Congress (WCC), Sep 2010, Brisbane, Australia. pp.175-177, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15479-9_16⟩. ⟨hal-01054797⟩
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