Conference Papers Year : 2024

Comment les biais cognitifs affectent la prise de décision assistée par l'IA explicable


This paper summarizes a literature review on cognitive biases influencing XAI-assisted decision-making. It goes beyond mere identification of cognitive biases in XAI, providing a heuristic map, guiding the future development of XAI systems that are more attuned to human cognitive processes. This map contributes to the evolution of the XAI field by emphasizing alignment with how individuals comprehend and use explanations provided by AI systems.
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hal-04529016 , version 1 (02-04-2024)



  • HAL Id : hal-04529016 , version 1


Rafik Belloum, Astrid Bertrand, James R. Eagan, Winston Maxwell. Comment les biais cognitifs affectent la prise de décision assistée par l'IA explicable. 24ème conférence francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2024, Explain'AI., Jan 2024, Dijon (Bourgogne), France. ⟨hal-04529016⟩
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